Post Something:


profile pictureName: Rando Calrisian
Date: Sunday, October 15, 2017
Vivos brunneis vulpes salit super piger canis.

profile pictureName: Tate
Date: Monday, February 13, 2017
Good show, I'm already subbed ;)

profile pictureName: Owen Hester
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2017
RIP this chat lol Check out my YouTube channel if u want:

profile pictureName: Tate
Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2016
lmao wut... I think you might wanna see a doctor... plz don't kys...

profile pictureName: Kill ME
Date: Thursday, November 17, 2016

profile pictureName: Weijie
Date: Monday, October 17, 2016
Im triggered

profile pictureName: Tate
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016
@SJW, who u be?

profile pictureName: Tate
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016
Rock paper scissors :D
import java.util.*;

// rock paper scissors
public class Ch3Proj8 {

	private static int getUserResponse(){

		int ret = -1;
		Scanner stdin = new Scanner(;

		do {
			System.out.print("Pick rock, paper or scissors or quit: ");

			String userChoice =;

			if (userChoice.equals("quit") || userChoice.equals("q"))
			else if (userChoice.equals("rock") || userChoice.equals("r"))
				return 0;
			else if (userChoice.equals("paper") || userChoice.equals("p"))
				return 1;
			else if (userChoice.equals("scissors") || userChoice.equals("s"))
				return 2;
			else {
				System.out.println("Invalid choice \"" + userChoice + ".\" , try again.");
				ret = -1;

		} while (ret == -1);

		return ret; // control will never reach this point

	public static String itoName(final int num){
		switch (num) {
			case 0: return "rock"; 
			case 1: return "paper";
			case 2: return "scissors";
		return "error"; // this should never happen

	public static void main(String[] args){

		Random rand = new Random();
		int pcScore = 0, humanScore = 0;

		for (;;) {
			int input = getUserResponse(),
				pcChoice = rand.nextInt(3);

			if (input == pcChoice)
				System.out.println("The computer also chose " + itoName(input));
			else if (input == 0)
				if (pcChoice == 1) { // l
					System.out.println(itoName(input) + " < " + itoName(pcChoice));
				} else { // if (pcChoice == 2) // w
					System.out.println(itoName(input) + " > " + itoName(pcChoice));
			else if (input == 1)
				if (pcChoice == 2) {// l
					System.out.println(itoName(input) + " < " + itoName(pcChoice));
				} else {// if (pcChoice == 0)
					System.out.println(itoName(input) + " > " + itoName(pcChoice));
				if (pcChoice == 0) {
					System.out.println(itoName(input) + " < " + itoName(pcChoice));

				} else { // if (pcChoice == 1)
					System.out.println(itoName(input) + " > " + itoName(pcChoice));

			System.out.println("Human: " + humanScore + "\tMachine: " + pcScore);



profile pictureName: Tanner
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class Ch3Prj8
  public static void main(String arg[])
    int guess, cpu, tie, win, lose;
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(; 
    Random generator = new Random(); 
    boolean play = true;
    tie = 0;
    win = 0;
    lose = 0;
      System.out.println("Choose 1 for rock, 2 for paper, or 3 for scissors. type 4 to end game");
      Random rn = new Random();
      cpu = rn.nextInt(3)+1;
      guess = scan.nextInt();
      if(guess < 1 || guess > 4)
      System.out.println("boi u dum");
      else if( (guess == 1 && cpu == 3) || (guess == 2 && cpu == 1) || (guess == 3 && cpu == 2) )
      System.out.println("u win");
      else if( (guess == 1 && cpu == 2) || (guess == 2 && cpu == 3) || (guess == 3 && cpu == 1) )
      System.out.println("u lose");
      else if( (guess == 1 && cpu == 1) || (guess == 2 && cpu == 2) || (guess == 3 && cpu == 3) )
      System.out.println("u tie");
        System.out.println("You won: " + win + " lost: " + lose + " and tied: " + tie + " times."); 

profile pictureName: SJW
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016
The background triggers my ptsd from when someone asked my gender 5 years ago

profile pictureName: xX_GabenNewell_Xx
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Prepare for the greatest steam summer sale of all time...

profile pictureName: Tate
Date: Thursday, February 4, 2016
@Owen True, however,
marquee is deprecated...

profile pictureName: Owen Hester
Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2016

profile pictureName: Owen Hester
Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Well this chatroom got dead real fast :P

profile pictureName: Tate
Date: Saturday, November 10, 2015
Thanks everybody! Glad you like it.

profile pictureName: Tate
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Yes, the chatroom and operating system page, and almost all of the healthit subdomain are written in PHP. Everything else uses vanilla JavaScript.

profile pictureName: chris
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Looks great Tate! All php?

profile pictureName: Stephen
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Impressive calculator for the area of a triangle! I can use this for gable roofs!

profile pictureName: Aunt Karen
Date: Sunday, November 8, 2015
Tate, wow, you are always amazing me. Great job on the website looks like it will be a helpful tool for anyone who logs in. Congratulations on getting it working, I know it takes a lot of hard work and planning to get an interactive website put together. Awesome work, keep it going! Karen

profile pictureName: Grandma Linda
Date: Saturday, November 7, 2015
After all your misery, this looks great! Looking forward to your progress.

Good luck Tuesday 😊

profile pictureName: Kat Denton
Date: Saturday, November 7, 2015
Website looks great! Enjoyed every page. Love the error page that says "go back, we screwed something up".

profile pictureName: Joshua Hinson
Date: Saturday, November 7, 2015

profile pictureName: Tate
Date: Thursday, November 5, 2015
@Owen Hester Thx! :D

profile pictureName: Owen Hester (HKTK Aurora)
Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2015

profile pictureName: Owen Hester (HKTK Aurora)
Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2015

profile pictureName: Tate
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2015
hacky text

profile pictureName: Tate
Date: Sunday, May 31, 2015
Yeah, my iPod fell off a cliff 😞

profile pictureName: Micah
Date: Saturday, May 30, 2015
hey tate! Can't text you because my iPod can only text other Apple devices D: decided to post here for no reason lol

profile pictureName: zigstum
Date: Thursday, May 21, 2015
What's Up?
The sky, inflation and people over 5'9"

profile pictureName: Tate
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Cool! I had no idea what would happen if someone used an emoji.
	<meta name="author" content="Dustin Van Tate Testa"/>

profile pictureName: Guess who[mother]
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2015
i know what the V stands for 🚐

profile pictureName: Tate
Date: Monday, May 18, 2015
According to Google Analytics, I know your are in Macon... That's all I know. Should probably add some more tracking tools. The last Person before you (button pusher) was from Cambodia, don't feel like deleting their post (first in chatroom).
FYI: to find my full name, click view's under author.

profile pictureName: People in search of others with a V name
Date: Monday, May 18, 2015
We need to know what that 'V' is about?
--Someone at HHS

profile pictureName: Stalker
Date: Monday, May 18, 2015
I found you.
Guess who this is?
I am not Bujak.

profile pictureName: room sky im a800s
Date: Thursday, May 14, 2015
put text hereput text here
enter code here

profile pictureName: Tate
Date: Saturday, May 3, 2015
Code blocks are working great! Fixed error with symbols including quotes, slashes, and reserved characters, however, I'm only human, so there might still be some errors.
///hello world in C++
int main(){
std::cout <<"Hello world!\n";//prints "Hello world!" to the console
return 0;

profile pictureName: Tate
Date: Saturday, April 11, 2015
<b>html tags have been disabled</b>, sorry